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About this book
Combining a range of content with self-reflexive examination by scholars and practitioners, this edited volume interrogates the contemporary significance of the avant-garde. Rather than focusing on a particular region, period, or movement, the contributors bring together case studies to examine what constitutes the avant-garde canon.
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Table of contents (14 chapters)
Staging The Avant-Gardes
Curating The Avant-Gardes
On the Margins of the Avant-Gardes
Rereading the Avant-Garde
“Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon aims to investigate radical art in order to further critical thinking about the avant-garde. … The editors have fully conceptualized the book and skillfully chosen well-versed scholars across disciplines. The objects of study are appropriate and the prose is readable.” (Carol Martin, Theatre Journal, Vol. 69 (1), March, 2017)
"Written by academics, curators and artists, it provides fresh insights into some high-profile avant-garde figures while shedding new light on a wealth of lesser-known practitioners. The book's engagement with the preservation of avant-garde work raises important curatorial and museological questions, while remaining alert to the risk of commodifying the avant-gardes. In challenging the parameters that have all too often restricted our understanding of the phenomenon, this book redefines the avant-gardes as emphatically plural, nomadic, and powerfully relevant in the twenty-first century." - Eric Robertson, Professor, Modern French Literary and Visual Culture, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK"This wonderful book carefully scrutinizes - and brilliantly revitalizes - avant-gardist ambitions to displace, destabilize and deterritorialize artistic genres, academic disciplines, national canons and other tired frameworks: the margins keep coming!" - Nikolaj Lübecker, authorof The Feel-Bad Film
About the authors
Fiona Noble holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies and Film and Visual Culture from the University of Aberdeen, UK. She has published on depictions of the body in Salvador Dalí, on cinematic representations of children in post-Franco Spain, and on intercultural lesbian relationships in contemporary Spanish cinema.
Tara Plunkett is a Lecturer in Spanish at University College Dublin. Her research focuses on Spanish and Latin American artists' use of the Surrealist aesthetic in works of self-fashioning. In May 2014, she curated the exhibition Out of the Ordinary: Contemporary Visions of the Avant-Garde, which was held at the Naughton Gallery, Queen's University Belfast, Ireland.
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon
Editors: Rebecca Ferreboeuf, Fiona Noble, Tara Plunkett
Series Title: Avant-Gardes in Performance
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan New York
eBook Packages: Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)
Copyright Information: The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2016
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-137-47930-3Published: 29 January 2016
Softcover ISBN: 978-1-349-69366-5Published: 25 February 2016
eBook ISBN: 978-1-137-47437-7Published: 08 April 2016
Series ISSN: 2946-3092
Series E-ISSN: 2946-3106
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XI, 277
Topics: Film History, Performing Arts, Literary Theory, Theatre History, Fine Arts, Arts