About this book series
The global climate emergency has stimulated great interest in environmental studies and has encouraged a range of scholars, including historians, to place the environment at the heart of their analytical and conceptual explorations. Environmental history has been of considerable assistance in efforts to comprehend the traumatic environmental difficulties facing us today. An understanding of the history of human interactions with all parts of the world’s surface and with living organisms and other physical phenomena, is an essential aspect both of historical scholarship and its adjacent fields, such as the history of science, anthropology, geography and sociology. This is especially so in the light of Covid-19. Environmental History helps us to reconsider the bounds of possibility open to humans over time and space, in their interaction with different environments. This series explores these interactions in research that touch on all parts of the globe and all manner of environments including the built environment through studies that are attentive to the local, regional and planetary scale. Books in this series come from a wide range of fields of scholarship, from the sciences, social sciences and the humanities. The series particularly encourages interdisciplinary projects that emphasize historical engagement with science and other fields of study.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2730-9754
- Print ISSN
- 2730-9746
- Series Editor
- Vinita Damodaran,
- Rohan D’Souza,
- Sujit Sivasundaram,
- James Beattie
Book titles in this series
Invasive Predators in New Zealand
Disaster on Four Small Paws
- Authors:
- Carolyn M. King
- Copyright: 2019
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
The Resilient City in World War II
Urban Environmental Histories
- Editors:
- Simo Laakkonen
- J. R. McNeill
- Richard P. Tucker
- Timo Vuorisalo
- Copyright: 2019
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Telling Environmental Histories
Intersections of Memory, Narrative and Environment
- Editors:
- Katie Holmes
- Heather Goodall
- Copyright: 2017
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Terania Creek and the Forging of Modern Environmental Activism
- Authors:
- Vanessa Bible
- Copyright: 2018
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Abstracted and indexed in