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Table of contents (9 chapters)
This is an empirically rich and thoughtful account of the recent and less recent history of family policies in four Central European countries as well as three traditionally capitalist societies as points of comparison. In this engaging historical-institutional analysis of the dynamics of post-communist welfare states, a first in this field, Saxonberg stresses the importance of historical trajectories and the cultural/ideological context in shaping social policy. The contentious connections among family policies, women's rights, nationalist sentiments and democracy also emerge from the discussion.
- Eva Fodor, Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Hungary
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Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Gendering Family Policies in Post-Communist Europe
Book Subtitle: A Historical-Institutional Analysis
Authors: Steven Saxonberg
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137319395
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan London
eBook Packages: Palgrave Political Science Collection, Political Science and International Studies (R0)
Copyright Information: Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014
Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-230-29995-5Published: 23 June 2014
Softcover ISBN: 978-1-349-33563-3Published: 01 January 2014
eBook ISBN: 978-1-137-31939-5Published: 24 June 2014
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: IX, 292
Topics: European Politics, Children, Youth and Family Policy, Russian and Post-Soviet Politics, Comparative Politics, Social Policy, Gender Studies