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Table of contents (8 chapters)
Critique and Methodology
Alternatives and Aesthetics
"The Caribbean Postcolonial seeks to ground the claim that a genuine poetics of Caribbean hybridity can only make sense within a politics of equality. Shalini Puri reads social performances across a spectrum of Caribbean practices and identities - novels, manifestos, nation languages, Hosay, Carnival, calypso, chutney-soca, jibaro, dougla - not only to challenge some of the ways in which 'hybridity' is recognized, represented, and celebrated in the Caribbean theoretical industry, but more importantly, to show us how interpretive communities in the Caribbean participate in the making of both official and unofficial narratives about themselves. Shalini Puri discovers a negotiating heart within the body of Caribbean continuances. She finds an unresolvable dialectic between discourses of complicity and those of resistance. The Caribbean Postcolonial brings Caribbean critical hybridity narratives back from the garrison of post-nationalist sentiment, back from the war against universalist knowledges, and home to their inalienable residence in difficulty and interrogation." - Stephen Slemon, University of Alberta
"Shalini Puri brilliantly and convincingly takes on postcolonial studies for its marginalization of the Caribbean given the centrality of cultural hybridity as its episteme regnant. Puri's fascinating book is not merely a corrective to this 'imperialist' rejection of the Caribbean, but a profound demonstration of its consequences for the interrogation of hybridity's poetics and politics. As a tour de force of Caribbean hybridities the book brilliantly unveils the latter's theoretics, poetics, and aesthetics and exposes the limitations of the almost universalistic argument for its inevitable contestation of nationalism's discourses of difference. The Caribbean Postcolonial takes cultural studies to a new and exciting level with its profound and powerful interrogation of Caribbean hybridities. In the process, it locates the Caribbean at the center of the analytics of the field of postcolonial studies." - Percy Hintzen, Professor and Chair of African American Studies, University of California at Berkeley
"One emerges from a reading of this book with a vivid sense that Puri's work adds an important new dimension to Caribbean cultural studies because of the multiple perspectives from which she considers the historical conjuncture between gender, ethnicity,and class - particularly in her interrogation of a 'dougla' poetics. Rather than privileging claims for hybridity over questions of social equality, as she argues much of the recent work in cultural studies has done, Puri investigates the links between these terms. Her prose is respectful without being deferential, combative without being contemptuous. This is academic writing at its most engaged." - Rhonda Cobham-Sander, Amherst College
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Bibliographic Information
Book Title: The Caribbean Postcolonial
Book Subtitle: Social Equality, Post/Nationalism, and Cultural Hybridity
Authors: Shalini Puri
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/9781403973719
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan New York
eBook Packages: Palgrave Literature & Performing Arts Collection, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)
Copyright Information: Shalini Puri 2004
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4039-6181-5Published: 28 January 2004
Softcover ISBN: 978-1-349-52662-8Published: 28 January 2004
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4039-7371-9Published: 16 January 2004
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XII, 300
Topics: Postcolonial/World Literature, History of the Americas, Political History, Twentieth-Century Literature