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Palgrave Macmillan

Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management

  • Book
  • © 2014


Part of the book series: Humanism in Business Series (HUBUS)

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About this book

In Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management, the authors provide space to global perspectives on how we can rethink and reposition international business and management practice to be a part of the solution to our global problems. These contributions provide impetus for further research, practice and pedagogy development.

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Table of contents (20 chapters)

  1. Introduction: International Business and International Management in an Era of Globality

Editors and Affiliations

  • Fordham University, USA

    Nathaniel C. Lupton, Michael Pirson

About the editors

Nathaniel C. Lupton is Assistant Professor of Management Systems at Fordham University, USA. His research interests include the internationalization and knowledge management processes within multinational enterprises, innovation and economic development, and foreign direct investment. His research has been published in Academy of Management Perspectives, International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, Journal of Knowledge Management and Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations. Currently, Nathaniel is working on research projects related to leveraging combinations of scientific and traditional forms of knowledge, different approaches to innovation and new value creation, primarily in the context of emerging economies, especially India.

Michael Pirson is an Associate Professor of Management Systems at Fordham University, USA. Before beginning his academic career, he worked for an international consulting group for several years and then started his own private consultancy. He has worked for and with businesses, nonprofits, embassies, political campaigns, and local and national governments in Switzerland, France, China, Costa Roca and the United States. He is founding partner of the Humanistic Management Network, an organization that brings together scholars, practitioners and policymakers around the common goal of creating a 'life-conducive' economic system, and a research fellow at Harvard University and serves on the boards of three social enterprises in the United States.

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