About this book series

Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood is the first of its kind to historicise childhood in the English-speaking world; at present no historical series on children/ childhood exists, despite burgeoning areas within Child Studies. The series aims to act both as a forum for publishing works in the history of childhood and a mechanism for consolidating the identity and attraction of the new discipline.

Editorial Board
Matthew Grenby (Newcastle)
Colin Heywood (Nottingham)
Heather Montgomery (Open)
Hugh Morrison (Otago)
Anja Müller (Siegen, Germany)
Sïan Pooley (Magdalen, Oxford)
Patrick Joseph Ryan (King's University College at Western University, Canada)
Lucy Underwood (Warwick)
Karen Vallgårda (Copenhagen)
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • George Rousseau,
  • Laurence Brockliss

Book titles in this series

Abstracted and indexed in