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Empowerment, Lifelong Learning and Recovery in Mental Health

Towards a New Paradigm

  • Book
  • © 2012
  • Latest edition


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About this book

An exploration of how empowerment, lifelong learning and social inclusion are closely connected to the concept of recovery from mental illness, showing how mental health services in general need to restructure to enable people with the lived experience of mental illness to lead a meaningful life with and beyond the illness.


  • employment
  • empowerment
  • Exploration
  • health
  • health policy
  • Involvement
  • lifelong learning
  • planning

About the authors

JILL ANDERSON Senior Project Development Officer for the Mental Health in Higher Education project and is Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the University of Cumbria, UK ANJA ESTHER BAUMANN Technical Officer for Mental Health at the WHO Regional Office for Europe WILMA BOEVINK Social scientist and an active member of the Dutch user movement in psychiatry. She is professor of Recovery at Hanze University Groningen, the Netherlands JED BOARDMAN Chair of the General and Community Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in London, UK DAVID CREPAZ-KEAY User and Advisor for the Mental Health Foundation in London, UK LARRY DAVIDSON Professor of Psychology at the University of Yale, Department of Psychiatry, USA IAN DAWSON Researcher and work package leader for dissemination in the EMILIA project BARBARA EVANS Trained as a social worker and currently works for Hampshire County Council (UK) as a Workforce Development Advisor for Mental Health, UK ELIZABETH FLANAGAN Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, USA HELEN GLOVER Social worker in the UK CHRIS GRIFFITHS has worked on two Europe wide European Union funded mental health projects JANET HOLMSHAW Senior Lecturer in mental health at Middlesex University, UK EMMANUELLE JOUET Specialist in educational sciences and researcher for the Emilia project at the Maison Blanche Research Unit in Paris, France MARJA KAUNONEN Adjunct Professor at the University ofTampere, Finland, Department of Nursing Science in the EMILIA Project IRJA NIEMINEN has worked as a researcher in the EMILIA project. Currently she is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Nursing Science, University of Tampere, Finland TORILL KLEVAN NILSEN Member of Mental Health, a user organization in Norway KLAUS NYBORG JAMES OGUNLEYE serves on the European Commission's Panel of Experts projects scrutineer/reviewer on Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 KATE SAULT is WRAP Co-ordinator, a role she developed within the Southern Health Trust JUSTINE SCHNEIDER Social researcher and social worker. She is currently professor of mental health and social care at the Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, UK GEOFF SHEPHERD Policy Advisor to the employment programme team at SCMH and is currently involved in the project run by an independent sector provider (Richmond Fellowship Employment and Training) to evaluate the impact of 'employment specialists' in primary care TERESE STENFORS-HAYES Specialist in the field of medical education and is currently employed as a researcher at the University of British Columbia, Canada THOMAS STYRON Clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine, USA ROBERT SURBER, MSSW, Clinical Professor with the University of California San Francisco, Department of Psychiatry, and Principal of Robert Surber Consultation in Behavioral Health, located in San Francisco, California, and Keaau Hawaii, USA

Bibliographic Information

  • Book Title: Empowerment, Lifelong Learning and Recovery in Mental Health

  • Book Subtitle: Towards a New Paradigm

  • Editors: P. Ryan, S. Ramon, T. Greacen

  • Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan London

  • eBook Packages: Behavioral Science, Behavioral Science and Psychology (R0)

  • Copyright Information: Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited 2012

  • Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-230-29285-7Published: 17 April 2012

  • Edition Number: 1

  • Number of Pages: XIV, 240

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