- Editors:
Wendy Harcourt
Erasmus University, The Hague, The Netherlands
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About this book
This volume highlights women's work sustaining local economies and environments, particularly in response to the current food, fuel and climate crises. It includes women's role in the green entrepreneurship, women's reproductive and productive work in the care economy, and a further examination of eco feminist debates.
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Open access
22 November 2016
Table of contents (18 chapters)
Front Matter
Pages i-xiii
Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods: An Introduction
- Wendy Harcourt, Josine Stremmelaar
Pages 1-11
Redefining Sustainable Livelihoods
Framing Gender and Livelihood Concerns Today
- Noortje Verhart, Rhiannon Pyburn
Pages 62-82
Gender and Livelihoods in Place
Front Matter
Pages 107-107
- Soma Kishore Parthasarathy
Pages 142-161
- Marisa Belausteguigoitia Rius
Pages 213-219
Emerging Issues for Gender and Livelihoods
Front Matter
Pages 219-219
"Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods is a timely, well-edited collection of essays that explores women's roles in, and relationship to, the sustainable development ne´e environmental movement . . . It unpacks the mainstream assumptions that negatively influence what Harcourt and the authors of the collection argue are truly sustainable approaches to women's and men's livelihoods." - Signs
Editors and Affiliations
Erasmus University, The Hague, The Netherlands
Wendy Harcourt
About the editor
LILIANA ACERO Independent feminist researcher based in Brazil and working in the areas of development, technology, gender and sexuality, from a sociological and psychological perspective SABRINA AGUIARI President of Punti di Vista, a community based organisation working for food security, gender equality and peace based in Bolsena, Italy GRETCHEN BLOOM Gender and development expert working for many years with UN agencies based in Rome, Italy where she continues to undertake consultancies and teaching in gender and development IRENE DANKELMAN Lecturer/Researcher at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and environmental activist working in the area of environment and sustainable development, including for the UN SOMA KISHORE PARTHASARATHY Independent Public Policy Professional and activist for gender and economic justice based in India with an expertise on gender and microfinance SUMI KRISHNA Independent Feminist Scholar and writer based in Bangalore, India, who also served as President of the Indian Association for Women's Studies from 2005-08 MWAJUMA MASAIGANAH Director and Secretary General of the Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC) Tanzania, Chairperson for Bagamoyo District NGO Network (BANGONET), Chairperson of Bagamoyo Women Development Network, and Chairperson of pMTCT National Sub-Committee RHIANNAON PYBURN Member of the Social Development and Gender Equity (SDGE) team at the Royal Tropical Institute - Development Policy & Practice, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ARUNA RAO Co-founder and Executive Director of Gender at Work based in Washington, USA, gender and institutional change expert with over 25 years' experience of addressing gender issues in a variety of development organizations, primarily in Asia MOLLY SCOTT-CATO Reader in Green Economics at the Cardiff School of Management, Director of Wales Institute for Research into Co-operatives and a green economist and expert in social economy KATHLEEN SEXSMITH PhD candidate at Cornell University, USA, also worked as a researcher in the Sustainable Markets and Responsible Trade program at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada JOSINE STREMMELAAR Coordinator of the Knowledge Programme of Hivos, The Netherlands, which aims at developing knowledge on issues central to the work of civil society organizations and for the development sector at large NOORTJE VERHART Member of the Social Development and Gender Equity (SDGE) team at the Royal Tropical Institute - Development Policy & Practice, Amsterdam, The Netherlands MICHELA ZUCCA Anthropologist and founder of the International Network of Mountain Women, specializes in popular culture, gender studies, and has worked on sustainable development in rural marginal areas under taking training, cultural identity and evaluation since 1993