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Palgrave Macmillan

Animals, Work, and the Promise of Interspecies Solidarity

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  • © 2016


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About this book

In this thought-provoking and innovative book, Kendra Coulter examines the diversity of work done with, by, and for animals. Interweaving human-animal studies, labor theories and research, and feminist political economy, Coulter develops a unique analysis of the accomplishments, complexities, problems, and possibilities of multispecies and interspecies labor. She fosters a nuanced, multi-faceted approach to labor that takes human and animal well-being seriously, and that challenges readers to not only think deeply and differently about animals and work, but to reflect on the potential for interspecies solidarity. The result is an engaging, expansive, and path-making text. 

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Table of contents (5 chapters)


"Award-winning Kendra Coulter has done it again! This remarkable and provocative book asks readers to rethink some of the most taken-for-granted ideas about human-animal interactions. To make her compelling argument, Coulter draws widely from the social sciences, feminist political economy, ecology, and animal studies. Her courageous text challenges us to both expand our theoretical analyses, and to practice inclusive, ethical interspecies solidarity." —Meg Luxton, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, York University, Canada

"Kendra Coulter deftly uses the central concept of work to examine connections and differences within and across species. After a careful and detailed consideration of how humans and other animals meet, work, and act together, she advances a thesis that is ultimately hopeful - an interspecies solidarity that might just have the potential to bring real change for all. A must-read for scholars of human-animal studies." —Nik Taylor, Associate Professor, School of Social and Policy Studies, Flinders University, Australia

"This book is unique, interesting, and important. Laudably, Kendra Coulter helps us to think more deeply and broadly about definitions of work, and about the past, present, and future of all of our working relationships." —Susanna Hedenborg, Professor, Department of Sport Science, Malmö University, Sweden
"Award-winning Kendra Coulter has done it again! This remarkable and provocative book asks readers to rethink some of the most taken-for-granted ideas about human-animal interactions. To make her compelling argument, Coulter draws widely from the social sciences, feminist political economy, ecology, and animal studies. Her courageous text challenges us to both expand our theoretical analyses, and to practice inclusive, ethical interspecies solidarity." —Meg Luxton, Professor, School of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, York University, Canada

"Kendra Coulter deftly uses the central concept of work to examine connections and differences within and across species. After a careful and detailed consideration of how humans and other animals meet, work, and act together, she advances a thesis that is ultimately hopeful - an interspecies solidarity that might just have the potential to bring real change for all. A must-read for scholars of human-animal studies." —Nik Taylor, As

sociate Professor, School of Social and Policy Studies, Flinders University, Australia

"This book is unique, interesting, and important. Laudably, Kendra Coulter helps us to think more deeply and broadly about definitions of work, and about the past, present, and future of all of our working relationships." —Susanna Hedenborg, Professor, Department of Sport Science, Malmö University, Sweden

About the author

Kendra Coulter is Professor of Management and Organizational Studies at Huron University College at Western University, Canada. She has written widely on work, gender, and social justice, including the book Revolutionizing Retail: Workers, Political Action, and Social Change (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), which was awarded the Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies 2015 Book Prize. 

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