- Editors:
Richard Thorpe
University of Leeds, UK
Jacky Holloway
Open University Business School, UK
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About this book
A new look at performance management that goes beyond discipline approaches and explores how we might integrate thinking through inter-disciplinary research, informed by management practice. This impartial review traces the evolution of how performance is understood and comes from experts of over a dozen disciplines and sectors.
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Table of contents (19 chapters)
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Performance Management
- Jacky Holloway, Richard Thorpe
Pages 3-12
- Richard Thorpe, Tony Beasley
Pages 13-23
Performance Management Research: Contributions from Disciplines and Domains
- Anne Fearfull, Gail P. Clarkson
Pages 57-68
- Liz Houldsworth, Sue Burkinshaw
Pages 69-88
- David Bryde, Fiona Lettice, Martin Wickes
Pages 107-119
- Peter C. Smith, Maria Goddard
Pages 120-136
- Richard Thorpe, Jean Clarke
Pages 200-213
Editors and Affiliations
University of Leeds, UK
Richard Thorpe
Open University Business School, UK
Jacky Holloway
About the editors
TIM AMBLER is a Senior Fellow at London Business School, UK. He is a member of the Economics Committee of the Advertising Association and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
DAVID BARNES is a Senior Lecturer at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
TONY BOVIARD is Director of the Long-term Meta-evaluation of the Local Government Modernisation Agenda (2002-2007) and Professor of Public Management and Policy at the Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV) at Birmingham University, UK
STAN BRIGNALL sits on the advisory board of the Performance Measurement Association and is a member of the research board of the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting. He is Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
DAVID BRYDE is a Reader in Operations Management at Liverpool John Moores University, UK
SUE BURKINSHAW is Academic Practice and Staff Development Coordinator at the University of Bolton, UK
JEAN S. CLARKE has recently been awarded her PhD by Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK
GAIL P. CLARKSON earned her PhD at Leeds University Business School, where she is currently employed as a Research Fellow of the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM), University of Leeds, UK
CARMEL DE NAHLIK is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Member of the Association of Project Managers. She is a Senior Lecturer at Coventry Business School, UK
ANNE FEARFUL holds a PhD from UMIST and is a Lecturer in Management at the University of St Andrews, School of Management, UK
MARIA GODDARD is the Assistant Director of the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York, UK
JACKY HOLLOWAY is a Senior Lecturer at the Open University Business School and Head of the Centre for Public Leadership and Social Enterprise. Active in the British Academy of Management (BAM), she has been a member of Council and was a founder member of the BAM Performance Management Special Interest Group, UK
ELIZABETH HOULDSWORTH is Subject Leader for Managing People and Performance at Henley Management College, UK
RICHARD KERLEY is Professor of Management and Dean of the Faculty of Business and Arts at Queen Margaret University College, UK
FIONA LETTICE is a Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia, UK
STEPHEN LITTLE is Chairman of the Asia Pacific Technology Network. He is Head of the Centre for Innovation, Knowledge and Enterprise within the Open University Business School and a Co-Director of the University's Centre for Innovation, Knowledge and Development, UK
BERNARD MARR is the Chief Executive and Director for Research of the Advanced Performance Institute, UK
S ANDREW MORTON is Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at London South Bank University and Associate Course Director for its Masters in Public Administration programme, UK
DAVID OTLEY is Professor of Accounting & Management and Associate Dean at Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UK
ZOE RADNOR is a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management at Warwick Business School. She is Deputy Director of a three year research project evaluating the Beacon Council Scheme and is a member of the BAM council, UK
PETER C SMITH is a board member at The Audit Commission and Director of the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York, UK
RICHARD THORPE currently serves as a member of the ESRC training and development board, is Vice-President of the British Academy of Management and was a founder member of the BAM Performance Management Special Interest Group. He is Professor of Management Development and Deputy Director at the Keyworth Institute at Leeds University Business School, UK
MARTIN WICKES is an Advisor to KPMG's Project Management Team, UK