- Presents a view of major and minor writers of Scotland
- Connects literary spatiality studies with Scottish studies
- Contributes to literary urban studies and ecocriticism
Part of the book series: Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies (GSLS)
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About this book
This book addresses the poetics of space and place in Scottish literature. Focusing chiefly on twentieth- and twenty-first century texts, with acknowledgement of historical and philosophical contexts, the essays address representation, narrative form, the work of the poetic, perception and experience. Major genres and forms are discussed, and authors as diverse as George Mackay Brown, Kathleen Jamie, Ken McLeod and Kei Miller are presented through theoretically informed, historically contextualized close readings. Additionally considering the role of dialect and region in the poetry and fiction of modern Scotland, the volume argues for an appreciation of the cultural diversity of Scottish writers while highlighting the overarching presence of a connection between self and world, subject and place within Scottish literature.
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Table of contents (15 chapters)
Essaying Place: Fiction and Non-fiction Prose Representations
Figuring Land, Figuring Self: Poetics
Afterword: From Word to Image
Editors and Affiliations
About the editors
Monika Szuba is Lecturer in English with the University of Gdańsk, Poland. Her research covers twentieth- and twenty-first century Scottish and English poetry and prose, with a particular interest in ecocriticism, informed by the Environmental Humanities. She is the author of Contemporary Scottish Poetry and the Natural World: Burnside, Jamie, Robertson, White (forthcoming). She is co-editor, with Julian Wolfreys, of Reading Victorian Literature: Essays in Honour of J. Hillis Miller (forthcoming).
Julian Wolfreys is an independent scholar, UK, and the author or editor of more than forty books, most recently Haunted Selves, Haunting Places in English Literature and Culture: 1800-Present (Palgrave 2018).
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: The Poetics of Space and Place in Scottish Literature
Editors: Monika Szuba, Julian Wolfreys
Series Title: Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-12645-2
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Cham
eBook Packages: Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)
Copyright Information: The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-12644-5Published: 11 April 2019
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-030-12647-6Published: 02 October 2020
eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-12645-2Published: 01 April 2019
Series ISSN: 2578-9694
Series E-ISSN: 2634-5188
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XXII, 304
Number of Illustrations: 3 b/w illustrations, 14 illustrations in colour
Topics: Contemporary Literature, Poetry and Poetics, British and Irish Literature