- Explains why countries abundant in natural resources have followed such a divergent development path throughout the last two centuries
- Offers policy lessons for developing countries with abundant natural resources endowments
- For researchers, university professors and graduate students interested not only in natural resources and economic history, but also in institutional economics, technological change and political science
Part of the book series: Palgrave Studies in Economic History (PEHS)
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About this book
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- Nature resource management
- Economic development
- Economic growth
- Andean economic history
- Nordic economic history
- Environmental history
- Natural resource history
- Technological change
- Natural resource curse
- Taxation and fiscal policy
- Fiscal dependency
- Human Capital and Knowledge
- Green divergence
- Economics and sustainability
- Oil and development
- Copper sector
Table of contents (11 chapters)
”Natural resource dependence has been seen as a kind of curse in Latin American economic history vs. a great asset in the story of several developed countries. This book makes a very interesting comparison of the economic histories of Andean and Scandinavian countries to understand why they show contrasting development patterns. It looks at theability to increase and diversify exports, to build strong technological capacities, to develop broad-based tax systems to avoid environmental degradation as key issues in the story of Scandinavia. This contrasts to the diverse story of the Andean countries, which have been less successful in several of these tasks. It makes an important contribution to comparative economic history and to our understanding of economic development. (José Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University, USA)
Editors and Affiliations
About the editors
Cristian Ducoing is a researcher at the Department of Economic History in Lund University. He obtained a Degree in History from the University of Chile, and completed his PhD in Economic History at the University of Barcelona (2012). He has worked as researcher and teacher in the University Pompeu Fabra, University of Valparaiso and Umeå University. His areas of work are natural resources and development, historical national accounts and sustainability. His research has been published in Scandinavian Economic History Research, Sustainability, Australian Economic History Review, among other international journals. He has co-authored more than 10 book chapters and has obtained funded in public and private research funding bodies
José Peres-Cajías is assistant Professor at the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Politics and World Economy. He holds a PhD (Cum Laude) in Economic History from the University of Barcelona (2013). His research aims at understanding the long-term economic development of developing regions by looking at the interplay of institutions, natural resources and trade. He published different articles in international journals including Cliometrica, Economics and Human Biology, Journal of Latin American Studies, Sustainability, Revista de Historia Económica and Economic History of Developing Regions. He also contributed to several chapters of books published by Palgrave, Routledge, Springer and Fondo de Cultura Económica. One of his articles was awarded best article published in international journals by the Spanish Association of Economic History.Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Natural Resources and Divergence
Book Subtitle: A Comparison of Andean and Nordic Trajectories
Editors: Cristián Ducoing, José Peres-Cajías
Series Title: Palgrave Studies in Economic History
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71044-6
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan Cham
eBook Packages: Economics and Finance, Economics and Finance (R0)
Copyright Information: The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-71043-9Published: 02 July 2021
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-030-71046-0Published: 02 July 2022
eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-71044-6Published: 01 July 2021
Series ISSN: 2662-6497
Series E-ISSN: 2662-6500
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XXIX, 324
Number of Illustrations: 11 b/w illustrations, 33 illustrations in colour
Topics: Economic History, Economic Geography, Natural Resource and Energy Economics, Development Economics