About this book series
The focus of this series is on scholarly inquiry into the economic foundations of technologies and the market and social consequences of subsequent innovations. While much has been written about technology and innovation policy, as well as about the macroeconomic impacts of technology on economic growth and development, there remains a gap in our understanding of the processes through which R&D funding leads to successful (and unsuccessful) technologies, how technologies enter the market place, and factors associated with the market success (or lack of success) of new technologies.
This series considers original research into these issues. The scope of such research includes in-depth case studies; cross-sectional and longitudinal empirical investigations using project, firm, industry, public agency, and national data; comparative studies across related technologies; diffusion studies of successful and unsuccessful innovations; and evaluation studies of the economic returns associated with public investments in the development of new technologies.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2662-3870
- Print ISSN
- 2662-3862
- Series Editor
- Albert N. Link
Book titles in this series
Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence
Theory and Applications
- Editors:
- Mohsen Hamoudia
- Spyros Makridakis
- Evangelos Spiliotis
- Copyright: 2023
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Science and Technology Parks and Regional Economic Development
An International Perspective
- Editors:
- Sara Amoroso
- Albert N. Link
- Mike Wright
- Copyright: 2019
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Big Data Analytics in U.S. Courts
Uses, Challenges, and Implications
- Authors:
- Dwight Steward
- Roberto Cavazos
- Copyright: 2019
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
A History of Digital Currency in the United States
New Technology in an Unregulated Market
- Authors:
- P. Carl Mullan
- Copyright: 2016
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Abstracted and indexed in
- Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)