About this book series
The Gender and Politics series celebrates its 12th anniversary at the 6th European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG) in July 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, having published more than 50 volumes to date. The original idea for the book series was envisioned by the series editors Johanna Kantola and Judith Squires at the first ECPG in Belfast in 2009, and the series was officially launched at the Conference in Budapest in 2011. In 2014, Sarah Childs became the co-editor of the series, together with Johanna Kantola. Gender and Politics showcases the very best international writing. It publishes world class monographs and edited collections from scholars — junior and well established - working in politics, international relations and public policy, with specific reference to questions of gender. The titles that have come out over the past years make key contributions to debates on intersectionality and diversity, gender equality, social movements, Europeanization and institutionalism, governance and norms, policies, and political institutions. Set in European, US and Latin American contexts, these books provide rich new empirical findings and push forward boundaries of feminist and politics conceptual and theoretical research. The editors welcome the highest quality international research on these topics and beyond, and look for proposals on feminist political theory; on recent political transformations such as the economic crisis or the rise of the populist right; as well as proposals on continuing feminist dilemmas around participation and representation, specific gendered policy fields, and policy making mechanisms. The series can also include books published as a Palgrave pivot. For further information on the series and to submit a proposal for consideration, please get in touch with Executive Editor Ambra Finotello, ambra.finotello@palgrave.com.
This series is indexed by Scopus.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2662-5822
- Print ISSN
- 2662-5814
- Series Editor
- Johanna Kantola,
- Sarah Childs
Book titles in this series
Suffrage and Its Legacy in the Nordics and Beyond
Gender, Institutional Constraints and Feminist Strategies
- Editors:
- Josefina Erikson
- Lenita Freidenvall
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Governing Gender Equality Policy
Pathways in a Changing Nordic Welfare State
- Authors:
- Anna Elomäki
- Hanna Ylöstalo
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
The Politics of Gender Equality
Australian Lessons in an Uncertain World
- Authors:
- Carol Johnson
- Open Access
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
Social Representations of Gender Violence in Italy
Blaming Women in the Courts and the Press
- Authors:
- Flaminia Saccà
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
Abstracted and indexed in
- BFI List