About this book series
The field of historical linguistics has traditionally been made up of the theoretical study of the various levels of linguistic analysis: phonology, morphology, syntax, vocabulary and semantics. However, scholars have increasingly become aware of the significance of other methods of applied/culturally aware research which were initially introduced to examine present day English, e.g. stylistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, code-switching and other language contact phenomena. This has produced exciting new avenues for exploration but has inevitably led to specialization and fragmentation within the field.
This series brings together work in either one or several of these areas, thus enabling a dialogue within the new conceptualization of language study and English historical linguistics. The series includes descriptive and/or theoretical work on the history of English and the way in which it has been shaped by its contact with other languages in Britain and beyond. Much of the work published in the series is engaged in redefining the discipline and its boundaries.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2946-4064
- Print ISSN
- 2946-4056
- Series Editor
- Sara M. Pons-Sanz,
- Louise Sylvester
Book titles in this series
Carrying Verbs Across the Channel
Modelling Change in Bilingual Medieval England
- Authors:
- Michael Percillier
- Yela Schauwecker
- Achim Stein
- Carola Trips
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
Unifying Contemporary and Historical Perspectives
- Authors:
- Mareike L. Keller
- Copyright: 2020
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
The Linguistics of Spoken Communication in Early Modern English Writing
Exploring Bess of Hardwick's Manuscript Letters
- Authors:
- Imogen Marcus
- Copyright: 2018
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Sincerity in Medieval English Language and Literature
- Authors:
- Graham Williams
- Copyright: 2018
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook