About this book series
This is a series in memory of Henry George, taking off from his writings and dealing with the issues he raised in his time, as they persist, but also taking his approach into our time and dealing from his perspective with some of today’s most pressing issues and problems in the political economy. This series contextualizes Henry George as an important figure in what is currently a widespread pattern of interest in critiques of mainstream economics. Much critical work in economics in the late twentieth century was aimed at critiquing and destroying mainstream theory, particularly those aspects that appeared to support and justify neoliberal policies. But after the crash of 2008, much more attention is being paid to non-mainstream approaches that offer new explanations of economic phenomenon. This series fits that mold, drawing on a uniquely significant American figure once widely known and venerated but lost sight of during the dominance of mainstream neoclassical theory.
- Electronic ISSN
- 2524-8855
- Print ISSN
- 2524-8847
- Series Editor
- Edward Nell
Abstracted and indexed in
- Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)