About this book series

The increasing production of knowledge for governance has resulted in major shifts in governance practices and public policy, especially for the work of knowledge producers and those identified as relevant ‘experts’. Given the centrality of knowledge to the governing of contemporary societies, how can we theorise the politics of knowledge for policy and governance and the strategies of policy influence?

Palgrave Studies in Knowledge, Policy and Governance invites social scientists to explore the construction of knowledge and expertise in governance processes across policy fields (e.g. crime, education, genomics, health, migration, sustainability, etc). We support interdisciplinary scholarship that deals with theorising real world issues, as well as practice-based perspectives. Contributors commonly work within Politics, Social Policy and Sociology but we welcome proposals from a wide range of disciplinary settings as well as those working in the policy world. The series encompasses diverse topics, methods and disciplines and we are keen to receive proposals for solo-authored, co-authored and edited books in either standard Palgrave or (shorter) Palgrave Pivot formats. 

Please contact the series editors, Sotiria Grek (Sotiria.Grek@ed.ac.uk) and Kat Smith (Katherine.smith.100@strath.ac.uk) to discuss your initial ideas and outline proposals. 

Kat Smith is Professor of Public Health Policy at the University of Strathclyde. Dr Sotiria Grek is Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. They are both members of SKAPE (the Centre for Science, Knowledge and Policy at Edinburgh).

Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Katherine Smith,
  • Sotiria Grek

Book titles in this series

  1. Laboratories of Social Knowledge

    How International Organizations Construct Social Policy Through Numbers

    • John Berten
    • Copyright: 2025

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • eBook