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About this book
In revisiting the Popular Front some sixty years on, this book explores the link between metropolitan France and the empire at a defining moment in their history. One of the most significant events of the twentieth century is the end of empire, yet the importance of the empire in shaping contemporary France has traditionally been ignored by historians. By extending our perspective to empire, this book widens our understanding of the Popular Front experience and shows that it represents an important watershed in French history, marking the beginning of an irreversible process of reform that was ultimately to lead to decolonisation and the end of empire.
- 20. Jahrhundert
- 20th century
- colonial policy
- colonialism
- decolonisation
- decolonization
- empire
- France
- French Colonial Empire
- history
- nationalism
- Policy
- socialism
About the authors
MICHEL BROT Teaches at the Institute for American Universities in Aix-en-Provence and member, Institut d'Histoire Comparée des Civilisations, Université de Provence
ALEJANDRO COLAS PhD candidate, Department of International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science
CATHERINE COQUERY-VIDROVITCH Professeur d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Afrique, Université de Paris VII and Director of the research group 'Dynamiques comparées des sociétés en Développement'
GILLES DE GANTES agrégé d'histoire
JOHN HARGREAVES Emeritus Professor of History, University of Aberdeen
JEAN KOUFAN Lecturer in History, University of Yaoundé, Cameroon
DON LACOSS Department of History, University of Michigan
GHISLAINE LYDON Graduate Assistant, Department of History, Michigan State University
PANIVONG NORINDR Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MARTIN SHIPWAY Lecturer in Twentieth Century French Studies, Birkbeck College, University of London
GARY WILDER Teaches Modern European History at Pomona College
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: French Colonial Empire and the Popular Front
Book Subtitle: Hope and Disillusion
Editors: Tony Chafer, Amanda Sackur
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan London
eBook Packages: Palgrave History Collection, History (R0)
Copyright Information: Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999
Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-333-72973-1Published: 22 March 1999
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XVII, 264