The European Journal of Development Research (EJDR) redefines and modernises what global development is, recognising the many schools of thought on what development constitutes, encouraging debate between competing approaches. The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes papers that are rooted in any fields including (but not limited to): anthropology, climate, development studies, economics, education, geography, international studies, management, politics, social policy, sociology, sustainability, and the environment. EJDR explicitly links with development studies, being hosted by European Association of Development Institutes (EADI) and its various initiatives.
The European Journal of Development Research embraces a critical use of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. We also welcome articles around impact evaluation, as well as reviews such as systematic reviews and meta-analysis. The research methods used in the journal’s articles make explicit the importance of empirical data and the critical interpretation of findings. Authors can use a combination of theory and data analysis to expand the possibilities for global development. Data use in the journal ranges broadly from narratives and transcripts, through ethnographic and mixed data, to quantitative and survey data
The European Journal of Development Research encourages papers which embody the highest quality standards, and which use an innovative approach. We urge authors who contemplate submitting their work to the EJDR to respond to research already published in this journal, as well as complementary journals and books. We take special efforts to include global voices, and notably voices from the global South. Queries about potential submissions to EJDR can be directed to the Editors.
The European Journal of Development Research is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.
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Original Article
Amira El-Shal, Eman Moustafa, Nada Rostom, Yasmine Abdelfattah
Original Article
Samyak Jain
Original Article
Anita Lovas, Edina Berlinger, Fanni Tóth