Rosalie L. Tung
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Title: Editor in Chief
Area Scope: Holds overall responsibility for papers accepted for publication in the journal and oversees the strategic directions and new initiatives of the journal. Has primary responsibility for Perspectives and Point–Counterpoint papers.
Anne Hoekman
Academy of International Business, USA
Title: Managing Editor
Area Scope: The Managing Editor is responsible for coordinating the peer-review and publication processes and is the central point of contact among authors, reviewers, editorial team, and publisher.
Yadong Luo
University of Miami, USA
Title: Senior Deputy Editor
Area Scope: Manuscripts that concern Industry 4.0, digital globalization, geopolitics, global corporate strategy, global corporate governance, global strategic alliances, global co-opetition. Research that advances knowledge of foreign direct investment, international management, as well as business and management in emerging markets.
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk to University of South Carolina, USA
Title: Reviewing Editor; Deputy Editor
Area Scope: The Reviewing Editor is responsible for conducting the first-stage screening of all submissions and performing desk rejects, and the Deputy Editor is responsible for evaluating manuscripts at the conditional acceptance stage. Manuscripts that focus on cultural economics, comparative cultural analysis, national identity, economic globalization and cultural diversity.
Rebecca (Becky) Reuber
University of Toronto, Canada
Title: Reviewing Editor, Deputy Editor
Area Scope: The Reviewing Editor is responsible for conducting the first-stage screening of all submissions and performing desk rejects, and the Deputy Editor is responsible for evaluating manuscripts at the conditional acceptance stage. Manuscripts that focus on entrepreneurship and qualitative research methods.
Allan Bird
Rikkyo University, Japan
Title: Reviewing Editor
Area Scope: The Reviewing Editor is responsible for conducting the first-stage screening of all submissions and performing desk rejects.
Stav Fainshmidt
Florida International University, USA
Title: Reviewing Editor
Area Scope: The Reviewing Editor is responsible for conducting the first-stage screening of all submissions and performing desk rejects.
Catherine Welch
Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Title: Book Review Editor
Area Scope: The Book Review Editor section selects both recent scholarship and enduring classics that are relevant to the JIBS readership and the multidisciplinary scope of the journal, and invites expert scholars to review them. The purpose of book reviews is to make these publications accessible, reflect on their key themes, evaluate their contribution to the field, and set out the future agenda that they may inspire.
Area Editors
Ruth V. Aguilera
Northeastern University, USA
Editorial Area: International Corporate Governance; Sustainability; CSR
Area Scope: Manuscripts grounded or at the intersection of economic sociology, political economy and organizational strategy in the areas of international corporate governance, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management, social impact, and non-market strategies.
Tailan Chi
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Editorial Area: Theoretical modeling in IB using advanced mathematical or simulation methods, and empirical implications
Area Scope: Manuscripts that apply methods of economic modeling (e.g., optimization, game theory and dynamic programming) to the study of a firm’s international expansion, choice of modes for asset bundling, and internal organizational mechanisms in the context of international business.
Jonathan Doh
Villanova University, USA
Editorial Area: Global Sustainability
Area Scope: Submissions focused on the global and international dimensions of sustainability, including those related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, ethical and strategic aspects of multinational corporate responsibility, MNE-stakeholder relations and engagement, and social movement and civil society activism toward MNEs.
Michele Gelfand
Stanford University, USA
Editorial Area: Culture in IB; Negotiation and Conflict
Area Scope: Manuscripts that address cultural psychology, cross-cultural management, cultural influences on conflict and resolution and on revenge and forgiveness, tightness-looseness theory, individualism-collectivism, psychology of honor.
David A. Griffith
Texas A&M University, USA
Editorial Area: Global Marketing
Area Scope: Manuscripts that advance our knowledge and understanding of global marketing activities. Contributions addressing any aspect of marketing in an international or cross-border context. Studies including, but not limited to, international marketing strategy standardization and/or adaptation, new product development, marketing product or process innovations, product positioning, branding and brand management, pricing, inter-firm collaboration, relationship management, the effects of cultural distance on marketing activities, and issues related to international or cross-national consumer behavior.
Mingyi Hung
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
Editorial Area: International Accounting and Sustainability Disclosures; Global Financial Intermediaries; Transparency and International Business
Area Scope: Studies examining the international dimensions of accounting regulations and sustainability disclosures, auditing, corporate external and internal reporting, financial intermediaries, and taxation. Papers employing analytical, archival and experimental methodologies, as well as papers that combine methodologies, are welcome.
Ans Kolk
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Editorial Area: IB and Sustainable Development; Responsible/Sustainable Digitalization; Sustainability in GVCs
Area Scope: Submissions at the frontier of connecting IB to emerging societal phenomena, particularly related to sustainable development and the social/environmental dimensions of novel digital technologies and of global value chains. Particularly interested in conceptual/qualitative work and papers effectively seeking the interface with other disciplines.
Dan Li
Indiana University, USA
Editorial Area: Global Strategies, CSR
Area Scope: Manuscripts concerning MNEs’ foreign entry strategies, especially in emerging economies. Research contributing to our understanding of firms’ CSR and CSiR strategies and activities in an international context.
Jiatao (JT) Li
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR
Editorial Area: Strategy and Policy in Emerging Economies; China/Asia
Area Scope: Manuscripts that advance our knowledge and understanding of strategy and policy in emerging economies, in the context of international business. Research that contributes to our understanding of the how global firms compete and cooperate in emerging markets, the interactions between global and emerging market firms, and the strategy and governance of emerging market firms in international business.
Marjorie A. Lyles
Florida International University, USA
Editorial Area: Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management; Alliances and Joint Ventures; International Corporate Philanthropy
Area Scope: Manuscripts concerning international business and China, international strategic management, international business aspects of corporate philanthropy, management of joint ventures and strategic alliances, organizational learning and knowledge management, and technology management.
Xufei Ma
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Editorial Area: Strategy and Policy in Emerging Economies; China/Asia
Area Scope: Manuscripts pertaining to global firms’ strategy and management in emerging markets; emerging market firms’ internationalization; and the interactions between global and emerging market firms in international business. Work focusing on different types of firms (e.g., business groups, SOEs, publicly listed firms, SMEs, and entrepreneurial firms etc.), industry clusters, and subnational issues in emerging economies, in particular China.
William L. Megginson
University of Oklahoma, USA
Editorial Area: Finance and International Business
Area Scope: Submissions that focus on cross-border investment, international corporate finance, international corporate governance, comparative financial systems, foreign direct investment, state ownership of business and privatization, sovereign wealth funds, venture capital and private equity, international security issuance, syndicated loans and project finance, and international mergers and acquisitions.
Rebecca Piekkari
Aalto University, Finland
Editorial Area: Language and Translation Issues in IB; Qualitative Research Methods; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Area Scope: Studies that deal with diversity, equity and inclusion, especially language and gender issues in IB. Manuscripts that adopt an organizational translation lens on IB phenomena. Papers that advance or apply qualitative methods in IB.
Saeed Samiee
University of Tulsa, USA
Editorial Area: International Marketing and Marketing Strategy
Area Scope: Various facets of international and global marketing including international marketing strategy; the management of international marketing and related functions (e.g., international segmentation, international market entry and/or market expansion (including exporting and export marketing, global innovation and product development); global branding; international channel considerations and supply chain; and buyer/consumer aspects of international marketing. Meaningful cross-national contributions, studies incorporating facts of the external environment, and innovative international marketing themes dealing with cutting edge aspects of marketing are encouraged and particularly welcome.
Lemma W. Senbet
University of Maryland, USA
Editorial Area: Finance and International Business
Area Scope: Submissions that focus on international investments, international corporate finance, international corporate governance, comparative financial institutions, foreign exchange risk management, multinational corporate diversification, cross border banking and regulation, international capital markets, international mergers and acquisitions, as well as law and finance.
Riki Takeuchi
University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Editorial Area: Strategic International HRM
Area scope: Submissions that focus on international as well as strategic HR issues in multinational enterprises, cross-cultural adjustment/readjustment issues, and the impact multicultural/international experiences has on employees/teams.
Esther Tippmann
University of Galway, Ireland
Editorial Area: MNE strategy, Organization and Growth
Area Scope: Manuscripts that apply qualitative methods to the study of multinational enterprise strategy and organization, internationalization, and international growth and scaling.
Arjen van Witteloostuijn
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Editorial Area: Economic Sociology; Institutional Theory; Organizational Ecology in International Business
Area Scope: Work concerning the antecedents and consequences of institutions in an international context, the effect of foreign language on behaviours and attitudes, the emergence and evolution of organizational forms in international populations, game theory of international strategy and trade, the antecedents and consequences of international red tape, international entrepreneurship, and behavioral IB and IM.
Shaker A. Zahra
University of Minnesota, USA
Editorial Area: International Entrepreneurship; Digital Technology
Area Scope: Manuscripts that focus on international entrepreneurship; born global, international new ventures; comparative entrepreneurship; national policies on innovation and entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial ecosystems; digital technology and innovation; digital entrepreneurship; new international business models.
Yan Anthea Zhang
Rice University, USA
Editorial Area: FDI and Technological Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets; Global Strategies; Corporate Governance
Area Scope: Submissions that focus on foreign direct investments, MNCs from emerging markets, corporate governance and strategic leadership of MNCs, foreign direct investments’ impact on domestic firms and local societies, as well as comparative corporate governance and strategic leadership.
Research Methods Advisory Committee (RMAC)
Members of the RMAC will work with the Area Editors to ensure that methodological approaches and analytical techniques used in manuscripts are appropriate and well-implemented, to support the credibility and conclusions of findings of published papers. Members are well-versed in a very broad range of epistemological traditions, research methods, and contemporary methodological debates, enabling them to encourage a diversity of research approaches and designs that meets the highest standards of academic rigor.
Herman Aguinis
George Washington University, USA
Eileen Fischer
York University, Canada
Elizabeth Rose
Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, India
Catherine Welch
Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Societal Impact Advisory Committee (SIAC)
Consistent with this editorial team’s dual mottos of “to make JIBS matter” and “to make JIBS matter for a better world”, the SIAC provides advice to the editors on attracting, reviewing and enhancing the contributions of manuscripts on topics related to the grand challenges facing international business. Such research can potentially contribute to the betterment of societies, locally or globally, through influencing or enabling positive IB practices. The members of the Committee will also work with the Area Editors and authors to strengthen the discussion of the findings of conditionally-accepted papers that have relevance to such grand challenges so that the potential societal impact of the discoveries can be highlighted. There are many pathways to societal impact including, but not limited to, multinational firm strategies, ESG practices, on communities, on UN SDG goals and meaningful managerial practices. JIBS, of course, continues to welcome other thought-provoking, theoretically ground-breaking and technically excellent submissions that have no discernible societal or practical impact.
Jonathan Doh
Villanova University, USA
Lorraine Eden
Texas A&M University, USA
Anne S. Tsui
Arizona State University, USA; Peking University, China; Fudan University, China
Srilata Zaheer
University of Minnesota, USA