Presentation of the paper

Articles should be in English, typed in double spacing (including all notes and references).
Articles should not normally exceed 12,000 words in length.
When you submit your article, please also attach:

  • an abstract of 150 - 200 words, in English, stating precisely the topic under consideration, the method of argument used in addressing the topic, and the conclusions reached;
  • a list of up to six keywords suitable for indexing and abstracting services;
  • a word count at the end of the manuscript, together with the date of the manuscript;
  • a full postal and e-mail address, as well as telephone and fax numbers for the author. If the manuscript is co-authored, then please provide the requested information for the corresponding author;
  • on a separate sheet, provide a brief biographical note about each author, including current institutional affiliation, research interests and any recent and/or forthcoming publications.

All articles are refereed; they undergo a double-blind peer review. At least two external referees review manuscripts. JIRD reserves the right to reject any manuscript as being unsuitable in topic, style or form without requesting an external review.

In order to ensure anonymity during the peer-review process, the name(s), title(s), and full affiliation(s) of the author(s) should only appear on a separate cover sheet, together with her/his preferred mailing address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers.

JIRD reserves the right to edit or otherwise alter all contributions, but authors will receive proofs for approval before publication.

Style guidelines

Below are some guidelines for in-text citations, notes, and references, which authors may find useful when preparing manuscripts for submission.

Manuscript style guidelines

In order to preserve anonymity during the peer review process, we ask authors to limit the number of citations to their own work; they should avoid setting up the contribution exclusively or predominantly through self-discussion. If authors include self-citation, this has to be sparse, convincingly camouflaged, and contextualized with reference to other authors. Self-citations should have the form of a third-person reference, not the first person and they should not use the reference “Author".

If authors rely heavily on their previous work and are concerned with possible overlap, we ask to discuss distinctions with the previous work in the Author Cover Letter.

Long quotations of about five lines should be indented and single-spaced without quotes. Authors should be aware, however, of the fair usage principle when quoting other authors’ works. Longer quotations of the work of other authors - more than five lines - will be discouraged in principle.

Numbers of 11 and higher should be in figures (e.g. five, ten, 15, 20).
Dates should be in the following forms:

  • 5 September, 1990
  • 1994–1998
  • the 1990s

Preparing the final version

Authors are requested to use the JIRD template and follow the formatting instructions below to prepare the final version of their manuscript. Final versions that do not follow these instructions will be returned to Authors for corrections.

  • JIRD template link
  • paragraphs should be justified and double-spaced;
  • font should be Times New Roman, 12, for the whole article, including footnotes and references;
  • title and main section headings should be in bold, subheadings in italics;
  • paragraphs should be indented, except for the first paragraph in every section.

References in the text

References should include the author’s name (without initials, unless there are two authors with the same name) and year of publication. Do not separate the name from the date with a comma. When including page numbers, use a colon after the year.

  • (Wendt 1999: 4)

For publications with two authors, put both names separated by ‘and’ (not & or /). If there are more than two authors, put the name of the first author followed by ‘et al.’

  • (Berger and Luckmann 1966)
  • (Böhm et al 2006)

Publications in references which include different authors are separated by a semicolon.

  • (Miller 1994a; Gordon 1976)

Publications by the same author(s) should be separated by commas. Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be identified with a, b, c.

  • (Keohane 1984, 1986)
  • (Miller 1994a: 32, 1994b)

If the year of first publication by a particular author is important, use the form (e.g. Marx 1857/1973: 31).

Publications which have not yet appeared are given a probable year of publication and should be checked at proof stage on author query sheet.

Unpublished data and personal communications should include initials and year. Interviews should include the date, and a list of interviews should be provided after the reference section.

  • (Robinson 1989, personal communication)
  • (personal interview by author, 12 April 2006).

When referencing material on the Internet include author(s) name(s) for internet/website references where possible. Where no identifiable author or authoring body is provided, use the title of the webpage or website and the year of the last update of the web page or document.

  • (UN Women 2022)

References to periodical publications may be also given in brackets in the text together with the exact page(s). If the reference is included in the reference list, a short title without inverted commas and a year of publication is used for in-text-referencing. As a general rule, an exact web address of a particular article substitutes its exact page(s).

  • (quoted in Europe Magazine (July 1998): 8)
  • (Short Title of Article 1999)

List of References

References are placed in alphabetical order of authors. Examples of correct forms of references for alphabetical style:


Single authored books:
Gunnel, John G. (1998) The Orders of Discourse: Philosophy, Social Science and Politics, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Two or more authors:
Altvater, Elmar and Birgit Mahnkopf (2000) Grenzen der Globalisierung: Ökonomie, Ökologie und Politik in der Weltgesellschaft, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.

Edited volumes:

Rittberger, Volker, ed. (1993) Regime Theory and International Relations, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Chapter in edited volume:
Smith, Charles A. (2007) ‘Judicialization: The Key to European Unification and Expansion’ in Yannis Stivachtis, ed., The State of European Integration, 127–39, Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishers.

Journal articles:

Printed journals:
Jackson, Robert H. (1992) ‘Juridical Statehood in Sub-Saharan Africa’, Journal of International Affairs 46(1): 1–16.

Online articles
Ziai, Aram. (2010) ‘German development policy 1998–2005: the limits of normative global governance’, Journal of International Relations and Development advance online publication 30 May, doi:10.1057/jird.2009.33.

Online editions of journals:
Hoffmann, Stanley (2003b) ‘America Goes Backward’, The New York Review of Books 50(10), available at (2 November, 2003).

Newspaper articles:

Printed editions:
Daalder, Ivo and James M. Lindsay (2003) ‘American Empire, Not “If” but “What Kind”’, The New York Times (10 May): B9.

Online editions:
Cooper, Robert (2002) ‘Why We Still Need Empires’, The Guardian Unlimited, 7 April, available at,4273,4388915,00.html (2 November, 2003).

Magazine articles:

Kaplan, Robert (2003) ‘Supremacy by Stealth: Ten Rules for Managing the World’, The Atlantic Monthly (July/August): 65–83.

Elliott, Michael (2002) ‘The Trouble With Saving the World’, Time (30 December): 108.


Szakolzai, Arpád (1994) ‘Thinking Beyond the East-West Divide: Patocka, Faucault, Hamvas, Elias, and the Care of the Self’, Florence: European University Institute, EUI Working Papers in Political and Social Sciences, No. 94/2.

Internet Resources:

References to the material on the Internet must be given in the reference list. The full URL must be given, and the date of access should be provided in brackets.

  • UN Women (2022), 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, available at (11 May 2022).
  • Following the rule: Author (Year) Title of the webpage or document, Publisher (if applicable), date and month published (if applicable), available at URL (viewed Day Month Year).

Spelling and Punctuation

Please use UK spellings and punctuation consistently throughout, taking as a guide the new edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors.
Use -ise rather than -ize as a verb ending (e.g., globalisation, conceptualise, recognise) and -our rather than -or (e.g. behaviour, neighbour).
Use single inverted commas rather than double (e.g. ‘quotation’ rather than “quotation”).


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