Annual Editor's Choice Award (2020) announced!
We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Maritime Economics & Logistics 2019 Editor's Choice Award as Bertha Maya Sopha (Universitas Gadjah Mada), Sekar Sakti (Universitas Gadjah Mada), Ari Carisza Graha Prasetia (National Cheng-Kung University), Marselina Winda Dwiansarinopa (Universitas Gadjah Mada) & Kevin Cullinane (University of Gothenburg) for their paper "Simulating long-term performance of regional distribution centers in archipelagic logistics systems". We offer our congratulations to the authors on their achievement, and are pleased to have published the paper in September 2020.
Annual Editor's Choice Award (2019) announced!
We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Maritime Economics & Logistics 2019 Editor's Choice Award as Daniele Crotti (Insubria University), Claudio Ferrari (University of Genoa) and Alessio Tei (Newcastle University) for their paper "Merger waves and alliance stability in container shipping". We offer our congratulations to the authors on their achievement, and are pleased to have published the paper in February 2019.
Special Issue Call for Papers following the 2019 IAME Athens conference
On the occasion of the IAME 2019 special session titled "Twenty-first century shipping: from shipbuilding to scrapping and beyond", MEL solicits contributions for inclusion in a special issue -with the same issue title- it intends to publish. Guest editors will be professors Manolis Kavussanos, Siri Pettersen Strandenes and Helen Thanopoulou.
For more information, please see the full call for papers here.
2019 PhD Prize Winner
We are pleased to announce the winner and runners up of the Maritime Economics & Logistics 2019 PhD competition: first place is Xiaoju Zhang (Dalian Maritime University), second place, Xinhu Cao (Nanyang Technological University), and third place Bahana Wiradanti (Cardiff University). We offer our congratulations to the authors on their achievement.
Maritime Economics & Logistics Impact Factor rises to 1.661
We are pleased to announce that the 2018 Impact Factor for Maritime Economics & Logistics has increased from 1.588 to 1.661. The journal’s 5-year Impact Factor also increased from 2.043 to 2.063. These results, reported in the Clarivate 2019 Journal Citation Reports®, are testament to the consistent hard work of the Editor-in-Chief and his editorial team and we congratulate them for their achievement.
Annual Editor's Choice Award (2018) announced!
We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Maritime Economics & Logistics 2018 Editor's Choice Award as Srinivas Peeta (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Irina V. Benedyk (Purdue University) for their paper "A binary probit model to analyze freight transportation decision-maker perspectives for container shipping on the Northern Sea Route". We offer our congratulations to the authors on their achievement, and are pleased to have published the paper in the September 2018 issue of MEL.
20 Years of Maritime Economics & Logistics - Issue 1 is here!
We're delighted to announce that the first 2019 issue of Maritime Economics & Logistics has been published! To help mark the 20th Anniversary, MEL Editor-in-Chief Professor Hercules Haralambides has written a sequel to his trailblazing 2017 Editorial, free to read here: Gigantism in container shipping, ports and global logistics: a time-lapse into the future. Browse the full issue here.
Celebrating 20 years of Maritime Economics & Logistics at Dalian Maritime University
Following the MEL 20-year celebrations at Kuehne Logistics University of Hamburg in November 2018, celebrations were held in December at Dalian Maritime University, School of Maritime Economics and Management in China. The school jointly organized a workshop with MEL Editor, Professor Hercules Haralambides to mark the occasion of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the journal. Read Prof Haralimbides summary and address from the Dalian Maritime University workshop here.
20 Years of Maritime Economics & Logistics
We are very proud to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Maritime Economics & Logistics! Launched in 1999, MEL has established itself as a paragon of academically rigorous research, whilst remaining applicable to practitioners and policymakers alike. For the 20 years of MEL celebration held at the Center for Shipping and Global Logistics, Hamburg, Editor-in-Chief Prof Hercules Haralambides, prepared an address commemorating the last 20 years and looking ahead to the journal's future. Read Prof Haralambides address here.
photo: From LtR Professors Paul Tae-Woo Lee, Thanos Pallis, Gordon Wilmsmeier, Michele Acciaro and Hercules Haralambides
Maritime Economics & Logistics rated Class A by ANVUR
We are delighted to announce that ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca), the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research Systems - – has rated MEL as a Class A journal (its highest ranking) in the area of Applied Economics. We offer our congratulations to the Editorial team for this excellent achievement!
Annual Best Conference Paper Award (2017) announced!
We are very pleased to announce the winners of the Maritime Economics & Logistics/IAME 2017 Best Conference Paper Award as Athanasios A. Pallis (University of the Aegean), Francesco Parola (University of Genoa), Giovanni Satta (University of Genoa) and Theo E. Notteboom (Shanghai Maritime University, Ghent University and University of Antwerp). We offer our congratulations to the authors on their achievement and look forward to publishing the paper MEL. Look out for the winning paper on our Online First page before it publishes in the issue!