Presentation of the paper
Articles should be in English, double spaced (including all notes and references), with pages numbered.
Authors whose first language is not English should ensure that their final draft is carefully checked by a competent native speaker of English for accuracy.
Text should be keyed in as simply as possible, without bold or centring (apart from headings).
Italic type should be used for foreign words/phrases not yet ‘naturalized’ into English, and (sparingly) for emphasis.
After the abstract, the first section of the article should be headed 'Introduction'. Headings should be in bold text.
Sub-headings should be italicized.
Paragraphs should have a line space between them; the first line should not be indented.
’single ’ not ’double’ should be used for quote marks.
An abstract of 100-150 words, should accompany the manuscript.
Up to six ‘keywords’ should be included. Please make these brief and clear as they will be used in online searches.
References in the text
The whole citation should follow the Harvard style, enclosed within parentheses (author surname, year) if not a natural part of the surrounding sentence; the year should be enclosed within parentheses if the names do form a natural part of the surrounding sentence. Citations of works by two authors should have ‘and’ (not an ampersand) between the names. Citations of works by three or more authors should have the first author followed by et al in italics with no trailing stop.
Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be identified with a, b, c (e.g. 2008a, 2008b) closed up to the year.
Personal communications should be listed as such where they are cited in the text, and not listed in the references.
Since Paterson (1983) has shown that… This is in results attained later (Kramer, 1984). Results have been reported (Don Graham, 1989, personal communication).
Articles not yet published should show ‘forthcoming’ in place of the year (in both the reference and the citation). ‘In press’ should be used in place of the volume, issue and page range details.
Sharp Parker, A.M. (forthcoming) Cyberterrorism: An examination of the preparedness of the North Carolina local law enforcement. Security Journal, in press.
List of References
References are placed in alphabetical order of authors. Users of Endnote referencing software can download an Endnote style file here. Examples of correct forms of references for alphabetical style:
Slovic, P. (2000) The Perception of Risk. London: Earthscan Publications.
Edited volume
Nye Jr, J.S., Zelikow, P.D. and King D.C. (eds.) (1997) Why People Don’t Trust Government. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chapter in book
Flora, P. and Alber, J. (1981) Modernization, democratization, and the development of the welfare state. In: P. Flora and A.J. Heidenheimer (eds.) The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Books, pp. 17–34.
Article in journal
Thompson, K., Griffith, E. and Leaf, P. (1990) A historical review of the Madison model of community care. Hospital and Community Psychiatry 41(6): 21–35.
Article in newspaper
Webster, B. (2008) Record bonus for Network Rail chief, despite Christmas chaos. The Times, 6 June: p1.
Newspaper or magazine article (without a named author)
Economist (2005) The mountain man and the surgeon. 24 December, pp. 24–26.
Article online
Ilin, T and Varga, L. (2015) The uncertainty of systemic risk, Risk Management advance online publication 30 December, doi: 10.1057/ rm.2015.15.
Other online resource
Green Party. (2005) Greens call for attack on asylum ‘push factors’. Green Party report, 4 March,, accessed 9 March 2005.
Conference proceedings
Sapin, A. (ed.) (1985) Health and the Environment. Proceedings of the Conference on Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals; 30–31 March 1984, Chicago, IL. Chicago: American Toxological Association.
Conference paper
Harley, N.H. (1981) Radon risk models. In: A.R. Knight and B. Harrad, (eds.) Indoor Air and Human Health. Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 29–31 October, Knoxville, TN. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.69–78.
Papers/talks presented at a conference but not published
Martin, S. (2003) An exploration of factors which have an impact on the vocal performance and vocal effectiveness of newly qualified teachers and lecturers. Paper presented at the Pan European Voice Conference; 31 August, Graz, Austria.
Young, W.R. (1981) Effects of different tree species on soil properties in central New York. MSc thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Research papers/reports/working papers
Bloom., G. et al (2005) Poverty Reduction During Democratic Transition: The Malawi Social Action Fund 1996-2001. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies. IDS Research Report no. 56.
Bond, S. A., Hwang, S., Lin, Z. and Vandell, K. (2005) Marketing Period Risk in a Portfolio Context: Theory and Empirical Estimates from the UK Commercial Real Estate Market. Cambridge, UK: Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge (mimeo).
Blair, A. (2003) Britain in the World. Speech to FCO Leadership Conference. London, 7 January.
Keep textual notes to a minimum, indicate them with superscript numbers and provide the note text as a list at the end of the article before the references. Please do not use footnotes.
- Avoid unnecessary and ambiguous abbreviations.
- Unfamiliar abbreviations should be explained on first occurrence.
- Generally, omit full points after abbreviations unless ambiguity may be caused (eg no. = number).
- Avoid full points after initials.
- US should be used, not USA.
Spellings and other relevant features may follow either British or American practice, but must do so consistently.