Submission of papers

All submissions to The Geneva Papers should be made via our online submissions site at the link below. The submission system is designed to be self-explanatory but help is available within the submission site via the 'Author Instructions' tab.

Before submitting a paper:

  • Please carefully read the instructions regarding format instructions and conditions of submission. Remember to omit author names and contact details from the main article file and file properties.
  • Ensure you have gathered all the required information detailed below.

Authors should retain one copy of their article on file. Authors should confirm at this point that their article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts containing author details of any kind will be returned for correction.

Authors should submit a minimum of two files (author information file and article file):

1. Author Information File:

  • the title of the article
  • the author(s)' names and affiliations
  • full contact details (including email, postal address and phone and fax numbers) for the corresponding author
  • short biographies for each author (75 words maximum each) which will appear at the end of the paper

2. Article:

  • the title of the article
  • a summary or abstract of not more than 150 words. This should be self-contained and understandable by the general reader outside the context of the full paper.
  • 3-6 keywords
  • the article in full, including references

Conditions of submission

Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they:

  • are original;
  • are not under consideration by any other publisher;
  • have not been previously published in whole or in part;
  • have not been previously accepted for publication;
  • have not been previously reviewed by The Geneva Papers;
  • will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is reached regarding their publication in The Geneva Papers.

Articles must be submitted in UK style English and should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes, textboxes and appendices.

Any prior publication of the data featured in the manuscript should be explicitly acknowledged when submitting on screen 1 of the online submission process. (Any forthcoming or 'in press' articles which use the data should be forwarded to the editor.)

In order to facilitate processing of submissions, please make sure that your submission contains only the absolute minimum necessary footnotes.


Articles published in The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice express solely the opinions of their respective authors. The publication of an article shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute a representation of the views of the editors, The Geneva Association or its Members.