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Crop insurance premium subsidy and irrigation water withdrawals in the western United States; Prasenjit N. Ghosh, Ruiqing Miao & Emir Malikov

A dynamic analysis of the demand for life insurance during the 2008 financial crisis: evidence from the panel Survey of Consumer Finances; Ning Wang

Factors influencing policyholders' acceptance of life settlements: a technology acceptance model; Jorge de Andrés-Sánchez, Laura González-Vila Puchades & Mario Arias-Oliva

Does the legalisation of cannabis for medicinal use impact private health insurer prescription drug expenditures?; Amanda C. Cook, E. Tice Sirmans & Brenda Wells

Capital issuances and premium growth in the property–liability insurance industry: evidence from the financial crisis and COVID-19 recession; Thomas R. Berry-Stölzle & Meghan Irene Esson

Technology investments and firm performance under the wave of InsurTech; Vincent Y. L. Chang

Managed care or carefully managed? Management of underwriting profitability by health insurers; Patricia H. Born, Evan M. Eastman & E. Tice Sirmans

On the financial superiority of Medicaid specialist insurers: a novel transactions cost/supply chain approach; Etti G. Baranoff, Thomas W. Sager, Bo Shi & Dalit Baranoff