
The journal will include research-based papers and case studies, as well as papers aimed at developing theory and good practice (3,000 - 5,000 words) and where appropriate, shorter pieces describing work under consideration or in progress (1,000 - 2,500 words).

Authors are asked:

  • to review literature only in as far as it supports the argument being discussed;
  • to avoid, where possible, specialist terminology;
  • and to consider as far as possible the practical implications of the work described. Articles should not have been published, nor be under consideration for publication, elsewhere.


Authors should send a copy of their article as a Word document attached to an e-mail to the editor (
Please provide the full address and telephone number of the person to whom correspondence and the proofs should be sent. Proofs need to be returned to the publishers within 48 hours. The publishers will provide a PDF of the final article.
The editor is happy to respond informally to suggestions for articles.


If you would like to review a book or if you are a publisher wishing to submit an item for review (N.B. please send a copy of the book) please contact the Reviews Editor:
Meghan Hollis
Tarleton State University, USA