The Journal embraces ‘development’ as a contentious and contested space:

  • By exposing the nuances, critical analysis and inherent contradictions of mainstream development approaches and provide voice to alternative visions and analysis
  • By challenging embedded notions of hegemonic and homogenizing forms of modernity as well as historical and racial superiority
  • By recognising that development has been violent on far too many occasions, with the displacement and marginalization of communities and social groups, the disrespect, and violation of the fundamental rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the pervasiveness of gender, race, ethnic, and religious-based violence and discrimination.

The Journal holds that the ‘development’ cannot be disentangled by globalization and its structural inequalities and political economies, and considers the mainstream development agenda as one intrinsic dimension of the current world economic order:

  • By exposing political economy analyses of extraction, control, and dependence that characterize the global division of labour ossified and magnified by the most recent pattern of hyper-globalization
  • By interrogating the colonial and neo-colonial character of the current world order and the insidious, pervasive and infiltrative nature of coloniality
  • By exploring the capture of narratives, institutions, and fiscal and policy instruments by political and economic elites, nationally and internationally
  • By challenging the continued expansion and consolidation of giant corporate actors that concentrate disproportionate levels of political and economic power.

The Journal promotes heterodox, systemic and unconventional analyses that may overcome traditional fragmentation and explore intersections and intersectionality:

  • By connecting marginalization and so-called prosperity within a descriptive, analytical and normative framework of inequalities
  • By exploring intersections between issues that have been traditionally addressed in isolation
  • By exposing the intersectionality of developmental concerns with issues of identity, gender, religion, race and ethnicity
  • By challenging epistemologies that facilitated the disconnection with reality and by rather appreciating different knowledge systems, conceptual frameworks and cosmovisions against the dominance of formal academic knowledge and ‘hard sciences’.

The Journal provides a space for voices that are marginalized and undermined by the mainstream development debates:

  • By recognising the primacy of the subjective assessment of those directly exposed by conditions of marginalization, exploitation and discrimination over the analytical distance of traditional science
  • By privileging critical and heterodox authors that do not have easy access to mainstream publishing outlets, with special emphasis to authors from the Global South and/or those marginalized by gender, religious, ethical and other forms of discrimination
  • By attempting to bridge language barriers for English publishing and exploring translation options that can support authors that are willing to write in their native languages
  • By promoting authorship by non-academic professionals with direct engagement in ongoing socio-economic transformation and/or systemic policy reform struggles.