About 2023 Issues

66.1-2 - Ocean Economy

Volume 66, Issue 1-2

66.3-4 - One Health: Perspectives on a Malicious Diversion

Volume 66, Issue 3-4

About 2022 Issues


Volume 65, Issue 1

65.2-4 - Right to Development

Volume 65, Issue 2-4

About 2021 Issues

64.1-2 - Special issue in partnership with the Global Policy Forum

Volume 64, Issue 1-2


Volume 64, Issue 3-4

About 2020 Issues

63.1 - Identities and Citizenship

Volume 63, Issue 1

63.2-4 - The World Needs Healthy Commons

Volume 63, Issue 2-4

About 2019 Issues

62.1-4 - Technology Justice

Volume 62, Issue 1-4

About 2018 Issues

61.1-4 - Looking Back - Looking Forward

Volume 61, Issue 1-4

About 2017 Issues

60.1-2 - Special issue in partnership with AWID

Volume 60, Issue 1-2

60.3-4 - Is Democracy in Crisis?

Volume 60, Issue 3-4

About 2016 Issues

59.1-2 Financing for Development

The Third Financing for Development (FfD) Conference generated frustration among all those progressive thinkers, activists and policy makers that had hoped the conference could advance the agenda for the democratization of economic governance and the removal of the structural obstacles for the socio-economic transformation of developing countries and their increasingly equal participation in the global economy much more than it actually did. However, also thanks to the untiring effort by civil society, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda institutionalized a follow-up process that may offer new windows of opportunity to advance a progressive normative agenda in these critical domains. This journal issue will provide a contribution in this direction by exploring visions, strategies and proposals that may infuse new intellectual and political energy in the process.

Volume 59, Issue 1-2

59.3-4 Climate Justice

The quest to mitigate the damaging efforts of climate change brings into sharp contrast, the wealth and power gaps between rich and poor nations; between large corporations and marginalized citizens around the world. As La Via Campesina puts it, the Paris and Marrakech accords “are underpinned with an approach that places the commercial and financial interests of multinational corporations and the world economy ahead of respect for human rights.” The move towards implementing these accords will see the lingering questions of equity and justice assume new and more urgent overtones as extreme weather events undermine livelihoods and force more people to migrate from their homes. Mitigation efforts aimed at shifting towards zero-carbon economies will also raise new questions about employment and workers’ rights during the transitional period. Thus, questions of climate justice need to move front and centre of our reflections on how to tackle what is clearly the greatest challenge humanity has faced yet.

This journal issue seeks to shine a spotlight on the opportunities and challenges to implementing an agenda for climate justice. It will look at the state of dialogue between the various actors and the progress being made (or not) as well as highlight the efforts being undertaken ‘under the radar’ by communities, cities and other non-state actors to provide leadership and implement their climate adaptation solutions.

Volume 59, Issue 3-4

About 2015 Issues

58.1 Rethinking Democracy - Special issue with the International Institute for Social Studies

This issue of Development aims to better understand and define contemporary democracy and its impact today on the livelihoods of people and societies, in view of the diffused discontent with contemporary forms of governments throughout the globe. It looks at democracy in relation to development, social security, environmental protection and civil and international conflicts.

Volume 58, Issue 1

58.2-3 - Rural Transformations

This double issue explores the opportunities and challenges for rural transformations, including those potentially addressed within the emerging Post 2015 agenda and its future implementation, from the viewpoint of improving the livelihood opportunities of rural populations - especially smallholders and small food producers, women, and young people.

Volume 58, Issue 2-3

58.4 Sustainable Industrial Transformation

Over the past decades, the global discourse on the role of industrialization in development has been highly uneven, and often heatedly discussed. Today, we can witness a renaissance of industrialization in economic policies around the world. However, modern industrialization theory, and the role of industry in development, can no longer be seen through a merely economic lens alone. It has been recognized that industrialization, when well organized under a suitable industrial policy environment, can have a positive and lasting effect on all three dimensions of sustainable development as well as on the advancement of broad aspirational norms, such as human rights, gender equality, and peaceful societies. This is why this edition of Development will discuss some of the modern approaches to industrial policymaking, and shed light on its important contribution to the achievement of any future development goal, thus establishing a new foundation for the role of industrialization in development thinking and theory.

Volume 58, Issue 4

About 2014 Issues

57.1 Shared Societies (Special issue in cooperation with the Club de Madrid)

This issue will look at the concept of Shared Societies and how it can be utilised for inclusive and sustainable development. It will focus on what it could contribute to the post-2015 development objectives and the implications of this concept for rethinking the current approaches to social and economic development.

Volume 57, Issue 1

57.2 Nutrition

In preparation for the upcoming Second International Conference on Nutrition, this issue explores the relationship between nutrition, food security and sustainable agriculture and how to address its challenges in the post-2015 development discussion.

Volume 57, Issue 2

57.3-4 Inequalities

Inequalities have come to the attention of the development community in recent years. Indeed, the significant increase of disparities across economic, social, political and intergenerational domains characterized the recent growth and development patterns of most countries irrespectively of conventional distinctions between North and South. Building on the outcomes of the African-wide Conference on Inequalities, this issue focusses on the challenges of inclusion and equity and explore ways to tackle inequalities in the context of socio-economic structural transformation.

Volume 57, Issue 2

About 2013 Issues

56.1 The Future of Development

What shape will the development agenda take? Does development even have a future?

Volume 56, Issue 1

56.2 The Future of the Economy

What role will rising inequality, recurrent crises, and social frustrations play in the future of the economy?

Volume 56, Issue 2

56.3 The Future of Global Governance

The UN and global governance: Global tensions

Volume 56, Issue 3

56.4 Foresight and Policy

Special issue in cooperation with the Rockefeller Foundation

There is evidence everywhere that humanity finds itself in a crucible of uncertainty. Whether it comes from renowned global experts, early warning units or public interest organizations, foresight seem to be largely ineffective in terms of its influence on action by decision-makers and those in authority. This Journal Issue explores the connection between such forward-looking analysis, the implications for policy and action that emerge from it, and the actual decision taken (or not taken). It aims to bring foresight out from academia and into the public and practical domain.

Volume 56, Issue 4

About 2012 Issues

55.1 Greening the Economy

Special issue with UNRISD

This issue critiques the current push in development to ‘green’ the economy by applying market mechanisms to nature and the environment without paying enough attention to social justice issues. It is particularly topical in view of the Rio Summit 2012.

Volume 55, Issue 1

55.2 Citizenship for Change

Special issue with Hivos

Following the Arab Spring and the Occupy movements, this issue explores the recent mobilizations and citizens’ participation movements, with a particular focus on digital natives, intergenerational issues in citizenship and movements from the global South.

Volume 55, Issue 2

55.3 Gender and Economic Justice

Special issue with AWID

Produced on the occasion of the AWID Forum 2012, this issue highlights the feminist debate on economic development looking at macro and micro issues. It explores how economic power is impacting on women as well as contributing to cutting edge analysis for diverse economies that take into account women’s economic rights.

Volume 55, Issue 3

55.4 African Strategies for Transformation

Produced with the support of SID programme partners in East Africa, this issue brings together reflections on African development strategies over the last decade highlighting the myriad of innovative activities for African-led economic and social change.

Volume 55, Issue 4

About 2011 Issues

54.1 Global Land Grabs

Researchers from the University of Utrecht and the Land Research Action Network present the dilemmas of the current global land grabs in Africa, Latin America and Asia and how to ensure that the benefits from foreign land development are passed on to local people.

Volume 54, Issue 1

54.2 Challenges to Sustainability

Produced for the SID World Congress in July 2011, development opinion leaders share how to forge pathways to sustain economic growth in balance with nature while ensuring local people’s rights, identity and livelihoodsThe issue aims to capture the variety of voices, positions, passions and interests that have shaped Development over the years and that are urging all of us to move forward to act. The sense of urgency can be heard in each of the articles from authors of all ages whether based in the research community, international and national policymaking arena, local and global civil society movements or in the development profession.

Volume 54, Issue 2

54.3 Sustainable Cities

Young urban dwellers look at sustainable cities examining the use of urban public spaces for sustainability, democracy, equity and social justice.

Volume 54, Issue 3

54.4 Cosmovisions

The last issue of the volume continues the journal’s exploration of non western visions for a holistic and convivial development learning from the world’s indigenous peoples struggles for autonomy and livelihoods in Latin America and elsewhere

Volume 54, Issue 4

About 2010 Issues

53.1 New Institutions for Development

Reflects on the need for imagination, altruism, communitarianism and resourcefulness as development confronts the global systemic crises.

Volume 53, Issue 1

53.2 Gender and Empowerment

Features cutting-edge research on women's empowerment from a highly critical angle as a key entry point in the process of rethinking of human development.

Volume 53, Issue 2

53.3 Sustaining Local Economies

Examines how local economies are functioning on the margins of neo liberal global capitalism and how to build on these experiences as a strategy for human development.

Volume 53, Issue 3

53.4 Education for Transformation

Focuses on empowering people via education as part of development's drive to build knowledge societies grounded in democratic and equitable values.

Volume 53, Issue 4

About 2009 Issues

52.1 Sexuality and development

Makes visible the many different forms of sexual identity and cultural practices around sexuality, presenting sex as a source of positive expression of self and community rather than as a dangerous and taboo topic for development.

Volume 52, Issue 1

52.2 Power, movements, change

Highlights the dynamic cultures and identities in peoples’ movements produced as a report from the Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) conference on the power of movements.

Volume 52, Issue 2

52.3 Beyond Economics

Presents a critical look at our globalized culture of consumption driven by the markets that have fuelled the current financial, climate and food crises.

Volume 52, Issue 3

52.4 Xenophobia, culture and identity

Explores the racism and neo colonialism that lurks beneath the surface of many social and economic conflicts, and that cannot be ignored by development policy.

Volume 52, Issue 4

About 2008 Issues

51.1 Water for People

'Water and People' explores the histories, ecologies, cultures and the politics of water resource development and planning from global, regional, national and local perspectives. The issue aims to show the various community-based alternative water strategies that have existed in spite of the current efforts to turn this valuable resource into a commodity. Its approach is to see the uses and practices of water management as rooted in history, social and political power. In the contemporary world 'empires of water' - resources owned by the states - are inextricably linked with national identities; and all over the world, communities are resisting statist discourses of water control, and pursuing and practicing alternative water management.

Volume 51, Issue 1

51.2 Gender and Fisheries

Focuses on the gender dimensions of fisheries which provide rich ground for perspectives on development policy and community based strategies for livelihoods, gender and social justice.The journal issue will focus on gender and fisheries in relation to inland and coastal resource management and aquaculture; Income, fish processing, trade, globalization and WTO; Nutrition and human health; Gender mainstreaming in fisheries research and development projects; Models for successful fishing / fish farming families /communities.

Volume 51, Issue 2

51.3 Climate Justice

This issue tackles the political questions that the current hype around climate change inevitably raises for sustainable development policies, both globally and on the ground.The link between climate change and the prospects for sustainable development is important for at least three reasons. First, since developing countries contribute roughly half of current carbon emissions, climate stabilization cannot be achieved without active involvement by the developing world. Secondly climate stabilization is on a collision course with the unfinished development agenda. What is needed urgently is a way of addressing climate stabilization that does not jeopardize the rights of poor countries to development. Third the climate threat is the thin end of the wedge of a more fundamental problem, namely the incompatibility between an infinite and unending growth process and finite planetary resources. As such, long term solutions to the climate problem will have to go through the solution of the development inequities.

Volume 51, Issue 3

51.4 The Future of Agriculture

This issue debates the changing issues around food, health, rural livelihoods and trade, bringing out the need for alternative international trade rules for the agri-food sector.Working with research groups and civil society networks, the issue focuses on trade and development. How can communities' food security and local agriculture be sustained in the face of global capitalism's push for bigger and faster production for their global markets? The Future of Agriculture highlights the alternatives to mainstream trade and development by community organizations around the world. The issue will bring together analysis and research on how locally and globally, the future of agriculture is being assured despite globalization.

Volume 51, Issue 4

About 2007 Issues

50.1. Democracy

Examines questions of democracy and democratization in relation to development theory and practice.

Volume 50, Issue 1

50.2. Poverty

Focuses on poverty with a critical assessment of poverty in today's current development discourse.

Volume 50, Issue 2

50.3 China

Opens up the debate around China and development in today’s changing world order.

Volume 50, Issue 3

50.4 Migration

Looks at economic and political rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people in relation to development policy.

Volume 50, Issue 4

About 2006 Issues

49.1. Women's Rights in Development

Papers from the AWID Forum on How Does Change Happen?

Volume 49, Issue 1

49.2. Funding Social Change

With UNRISD a candid look at the relations between donors, NGOs and social movements.

Volume 49, Issue 2

49.3. Conflict Over Natural Resources

On natural resource management, the Earth Charter and conflicts over natural resources.

Volume 49, Issue 3

49.4. New Technologies and Development

Exploring a cutting edge topic with international activists and scholars working on new technologies and its impact on development.

Volume 49, Issue 4

About 2005 Issues

48.1. The Millennium Development Goals

Looks at Millennium Development Goals and the ILO Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization as two key UN processes that are determining today's approach to global governance.

Volume 48, Issue 1

48.2. The Movement of Movements

Gives a reflective as well as analytical critique of the World Social Forum process as one of the most vocal and visible expressions of global civil society with different points of view about the importance of the alternative globalization movement for development.

Volume 48, Issue 2

48.3. Peacebuilding Through Justice

Written by those involved in conflicts and in the politics of post-conflict reconstruction, this issue explores how the security agenda is intertwined with the development agenda. They are not only two pillars of the multilateral system, along with human rights, but those working on development and peace building share a sense of growing pessimism and mistrust in transnational institutions being able to deliver.

Volume 48, Issue 3

48.4. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Sexual and reproductive health and rights were at the top of the development agenda after the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. Today the cracks in the Cairo consensus are appearing with deliberate attempts to squash an open democratic debate on the deeper implications of the SRHR agenda. This issue sets out to signal where work needs to be done to shore up the cracks, to maintain gains and where to be on our guard.

Volume 48, Issue 4

About 2004 Issues

47.1. The Violence of Development

This issue focuses on the new, complex and disturbingly violent trends that are reconfiguring the planet in the name of development, particularly post September 11, 2001.

Volume 47, Issue 1

47.2. The Politics of Health

The Politics of Health explores how public health professionals, paramedics, doctors, nurses, health policy and community workers are taking health as an entry point into politics writ large, in particular in resistance to and shaping globalization.

Volume 47, Issue 2

47.3. Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an issue that needs to be taken seriously. This issue of Development seeks to answer the following questions. Why has there been a surge of interest in development practice in fostering business ethics and responsibility? Why and how has business moved into the development arena? How have states and NGOs responded to the management practices of business and in the partnerships around CSR? How does the vision of CSR feed into notions of sustainable development and the longing for a fair and stable world order for justice and security? In short, how is CSR rewriting development?

Volume 47, Issue 3

47.4 Surviving Uncertainty

This issue goes to the heart of what Development has been questioning these last few years. How do we survive a rapidly changing and complex world given the current crisis of ideas, the level of uncertainty in an era where so many have lost faith in the government, religion and ideology of right or left? Development probes these concerns in various ways - from the point of view of local communities, development policy, southern and northern political perspectives, cultural and gender concerns, ecological and institutional failures.

Volume 47, Issue 4