The Eastern Economic Association is looking for an editor or editorial team to lead the Eastern Economic Journal starting July 2025. The journal is dedicated to promoting intellectual inquiry from various philosophical perspectives in all fields of theoretical and applied research related to economics.

The Eastern Economic Association has formed a Search Committee to recommend a new Editor or Editorial Team to the Association's Board. The Committee welcomes inquiries and expressions of interest from individuals or teams. It is open to various arrangements, including a single Editor, an Editor with Assistant/Associate Editors, or two or more joint Editors. The Editor's term is five years, with the possibility of renewal for another five-year term on mutual agreement between the Editor(s) and the Board. The editor is a voting member of the association and is expected to attend the annual board meeting each spring and present an annual report for the journal.

The Search Committee accepts informal nominations and expressions of interest until October 31, 2024. Following this step, a shortlist will be created, and formal submissions will be requested by January 1, 2025. These formal submissions should include a full CV, a statement outlining the editorial strengths of the candidates and presenting a vision for the journal, and a clear expression of institutional support, such as funds for an editorial assistant, travel to other conferences, or course releases. If you are interested, please communicate to Joyce Jacobsen ( and/or Allan Zebedee (