Journal Metrics
2023 Downloads: 444,949
2023 Scopus CiteScore: 8.8
2023 Scopus Source-Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.537
2023 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.17
2023 Clarivate Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 4.0
2023 Clarivate 5 Year Impact Factor: 4.7
2023 Clarivate Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.86
The Journal of Brand Management is a peer-reviewed publication which has established itself as the leading authoritative journal on brand management and strategy. It considers all dimensions of this fast-evolving field, drawing together cutting-edge analysis and the latest thinking from leading international experts in academia and industry.
The topic coverage by the journal is broad and deep. Among some of the topics covered are brand alliances and mergers, brand heritage and history, brand ethics as well as branding and technology. Publishing 6 issues a year, the journal includes research and analysis that examine brand research methods; brand metrics and analytics; qualitative and quantitative brand research; brand architecture and portfolios. Case studies examine the experience of prominent organizations, describing problems encountered and lessons learned. Also published is applied research from business schools, universities and think tanks.
The Journal of Brand Management is essential reading for brand strategists in private and public sector organizations, and academics in universities and business schools; brand researchers; business development executives; attorneys specializing in intellectual property and patents; and more.
Abstracting & Indexing
ABS Academic Journal Quality Guide;ANVUR;Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List;CNKI;Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences;Dimensions;EBSCO Business Source;EBSCO Discovery Service;Gale;Google Scholar;Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China;Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition;Naver;OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service;ProQuest ABI/INFORM;ProQuest Business Premium Collection;ProQuest Central;ProQuest Entrepreneurship Database;ProQuest-ExLibris Primo;ProQuest-ExLibris Summon;Psyndex;SCImago;SCOPUS;Social Science Citation Index;TD Net Discovery Service;UGC-CARE List (India)
Journal of Brand Management is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.
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Original Article
Lishan Xie, Xinhua Guan, Shih-Shuo Yeh, Tzung-Cheng Huan
Original Article
Supeng Zheng, Haifen Lin, Mohsin Shahzad, Lingwen Kong
Original Article
Liam Tincknell, Frank Mathmann, Benno Torgler, Husain Salilul Akareem